Sunday, 29 May 2011

rest, realms of rarity

those running,

'I'm a rare species; on the endangered list. I was born and raised in England, UK, and now live in India. My family has lived here in this district for 5 generations, and India is definitely my home, but I still enjoy taking a ride on a big jet plane and seeing the world!

I live in the jungle in Tamil Nadu, on the borders of Karnataka and Kerala, not far from Ooty and Mysore.

Nobody on earth is going to know where Udhagamandalam is - my nearest town, never mind Thottulingi - my nearest village with a shop. Thottulingi isn't even on the map, so...

I am single, my children are no longer children and have their own lives, and am looking for a soulmate with whom to share my life in the jungle.

I enjoy people who love nature and life and cooking and music and silence and are enthusiastic about waking up at dawn to see the sunrise and watch the jungle come to life.

I enjoy the company of people who are relaxed and not rushing their way through life. I like people who fall asleep when they want to, instead of forcing themselves to stay awake. I like people who dance as if there's nobody watching.

I like people who smile. I enjoy a smile. Smiles help the world to be a better place and smiles cost nothing.

Who is my soulmate?

You'll love nature, animals and country living. You'll be musical - I have the grand piano sitting here waiting for you! You'll like motorbikes, and a bit of excitement and danger in your life. You'll enjoy foreign travel and expat living. You'll be intelligent; well-educated and from a good background, and you'll "talk proper" and know the difference between a napkin and a serviette. But who knows? You may have none of those attributes, and we could be perfect for each other!

You'll also want to take your time to get to know me and see how, and if, our friendship develops. And maybe we'll become good friends...

It's wonderful here in the Tiger Reserve. There are no roads or flight-paths here, but I have the sounds of the jungle, and my music!

I retired when I was in my 40's. The jungle is the perfect place to live - if I want the big city lights, noise, bars and restaurants I can find them a few hours away! I really enjoy my visits to Bangalore for live music and dining with friends, and my shopping trips to Mysore are always fun.

Living in the jungle is amazing! I have been sitting on the verandah drinking coffee watching a leopard on the lawn, a giant squirrel in the tree and parrots, parakeets and hornbills flying around. I regularly have wild elephants in the garden!

I love Music: There are about 500 albums on my iPod (and another 120 GB on my computer). I love silence too, so music isn't 24/7.

I play the guitar: Not well, but I play it. I could do with some lessons, and I'm waiting for my grand piano to be tuned!

Photography: I once had a darkroom and developed and printed my own photographs. Now I have a computer that does the same, except that it's not dark and there's no washing up to do when you have finished. I love portrait photography as well as landscapes, architectural, etc., and use a digital technique called HDR (High Dynamic Range).

Motorcycling: I love riding my Royal Enfield motorbikes through the jungle. It's dangerous because elephants like to chase motorcycles, but it is great fun!

You're honest.

You don't have an imaginary friend called Jesus.

You think that we could become friends.

You're bored and have never sent a message to a man in a jungle before.

You can string a coherent sentence together and don't use text message language or more than one exclamation mark at the end of a sentence.

You're coming to India and would like watch the sunrise with me, a cappuccino, and Pepper, my homicidal psycho jungle cat.'

how about if i don't drink coffee, and don't know what an ipod is (exactly)?

what colour is your grand piano?

rareori, colorantii ajung geniali

rasare dintr-un foc pe cer


rea-litate, vesnica

really made from all those things


regret me not



rhett's de-choice

rise with it

robin's eggdroom

robin eggt

robinetul din padurea cu aluni lila


roomours of winter

rroochie (tu poti sa dispari, mihaipetrenataflescu)


rue jeunesse

Saturday, 21 May 2011

saturdays' secret sta(i)rs


sa cer(i) mai mic, mai mare

 sa fim cotlonosi

sa fim creduli - asa -

sa fugarim elefantei in jos

sa fuuugiiiim

sa le citim, fiindca le-avem?

sa ne-nghiontim cu zmeul asta

sa nu mai cesuim

 sa nu te poti abtine

sa te rostogolesti in asta

sa trecem si pe-aici

sa zboare vrajitoare

sa zicem

sa zugravim asa


salcii, MAI multe salcii

salut, hai la un film cu fluturi de noapte.


salvati rochita si pantofii.

sau poate ninge

saying goodbye, forgetting


scarile cetii, pe dealurile vietii

scaunele plutitoare, de sus pana jos

scene din clayderman

scheherazade mood twenty-one (baroque playing havoc with equivoque)

scheherazade mood two (ninsori de biscuiti cu plaje alhambresti)


scortisoara cu nori


scrie-mi asa


scuipa un tablou. ah, movilele fistichii!

se gaseste adormita

se mananca cirese, peltea si trandafiri

se mananca.

se non ci siamo

se poate, heathcliff

se spune ca e si mai bine

se tace-aici, cu tatii tuturor mansardelor

se-aud ajunurile linistilor

secunde(le) ca asta.

sedinta de hiponoza

sensation whirllands

senses, layered

se-ntalneste, se fugareste


septembrie siret-ic

serbetuim din indii, indonezii

sereethe, o vrajitoare palida de singuri

seri cam-cam-cam

sewn low, sewn high to curtains

sfarsiturile lui octombrie


shut inside eyes

si aa

si (e)a

si aici.

si asa

si asta-i o baita.

si cat sunt ceasurile..

si cate doamne-toamne nu se stiu.

 si, daca nu s(ti)i

si ei, si-n plus

si eu am asta-n minte, cateodata.

si mai dragut

si nopti invanilate

si papadii

si sa nu fie-o carte.

si tot asa..

si totusi,

si, si, si..

si-apoi sa-mi aiba-n clame palmele


sigur, sus

sihastrii cu placere

silence - a doll falling asleep

simfonic - da-mi parul inapoi, vooopsito



simplu si vag

sine de mine


six years old

slightly wicked




so you know it's really there

soarele are scaunel.

soba si creme

soc ars, sub amnezii inalte

socate pe olimp

softer, even

sognate, gia'.

'sogni in cui volai'


some wheels, some fractures

(someone just felt) this tangereerie snow

 somewhat a-mended

somn de 3 si ceva


sora cestiicireasa


sori, scortisoara, mere

sosete-pasari urcatoare pe perete


spectacole de liniste


'speranze che sperai'

spoof spots

spre iarna

spre padurea vrajitoarelor

sp-re re-vederi

spre (sala de) bal

spre trepidatii lucitoare

spre uuundee..

spre, spre

spune ceva.

spune-mi despre domesticiri moi, in fulare


ssunt o nesimtita.

sst. blurry and masculine, right now.


stai. dormi.

stai, doua dupa-amiezi-amieze

stai, mi-a luat..

stained well, although.

stairway to



state of art

'stay on these roads'

steal and still that, for me.


stinge lumina, canta-ti un vis

stinge planeta din jur

stories of always, never, love


stramtori largi

stuf dintre dune adormite

suave cupidity

sub casa, in loc de usa


substitut tabloos inteligent

sub-strat patchoulic


such moods

summoned vienna

suntem cei mai frumosi din lume

suntem de baldachin, nu de plaja

sus se-ntalnesc corbii rebeli cu catedrale nuantate




swear that..

swiftly so

swim me in may

swinger, ha.
