Friday, 18 November 2011


Cotton candy without sticks,
Flipped up high and pierced by beaks.
Cups that gather ocean waves;
Curtains dressing suns in shades.

It sparks, it’s a game
Now overt, now arcane —,
It’s everything’s gain
When nothing’s the same.
In water or ice,
In the friendliest mice,
In mirrors and light,
‘Na kaleidoscope bright.

It’s the one you see through,
Yet the one that reveals you.
When everything’s died,
In it you’ll reside.
You don’t know what is,
But it’s it that still lives.
You won’t find yourself
Till you discover this elf.

Powder of fire
Sparged on sapphire,
The day doesn’t see you,
But you flare up the night through.
You’re in flames yet not hot,
You’re alit, yet you’re not.

It’s a dimple-stretched arrow,
It can never grow narrow.
It is bent in a loop,
And can hold in a flute.
When you have it, you’re glad
And could never go sad.
It is there when you wish
..For a speech from a fish.

Mats clear as glances,
Never rising ’bove surface;
They save you from torture
When your body’s a scorcher.
They’re deep or they’re shallow,
Here a frog, there a willow..
As you go deep inside,
You won’t fall, but you’ll glide.

Chestnuts fall down
And roll off, red to brown;
You can hear the schools’ cheer,
And the rain’s rattling dear;
If you’re pensive or blue,
It’s because of its clue.
It smells like soft ember,
And it glistens in amber.
(for, of course, it’s September
..reaching out for November.)

n-ai ce face.

n-am uitat cum e asta.

n-ar avea lume

n-ar avea nume

natuli de melt

ne intalnim pe 8 noiembrie, la 4

ne stim.

nedumeriri personale






nergroz, straturi de mijloc

nesimtire cuminte.

niciun regret

niciun vecin sa raspunda

ninge furtuni de pagini

nins cu firmituri.

niste batause

niste nepriceputi

nn-aai vvvoie!

no dark, today

no witnesses to say you danced

noche de color (digicutu!)

noche de olor

noi crestem doar in ceata

noiembrie de transparente


nopti arabii, aramii

nopti de desen senin

nopti de pe brazi, brazi, a(r)zi

nopti de pe iaso(m)nii



note cu tonuri

nu (te) uita.

nu intrati.

nu le place jos

nu ma inchide nimeni pe-aici, hm, hmm..

nu incape pianul

nu pietricele, nu curea

nu se mai crede in orizontala

nu se poate

nu stie, stie

nu trebuie biscuiti

nu veioza

nu vrem sa vorbim


nu-i vooee

nu-mi pasa unde



nuuu exiiiiiiisti, NU!